Ha’aheo Nā Kanaka Paniolo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAEenK-acgw It's been a little over two weeks since the debut of my new single Ha'aheo Nā Kanaka Paniolo from my upcoming album 'Song for Waimea' and I couldn't be happier with the reception it has received. The highlight has been the realization of one of my dreams when my song was played on KAPA radio … Continue reading Ha’aheo Nā Kanaka Paniolo

Defining the Undefinable

Each time the issue of defining slack key is addressed by either a specific artist or some governing body of musical societies, I find the divisiveness of these definitions and categories on the one hand interesting, but also unfortunate on the other. I do see it as a basic human trait to try and classify things into … Continue reading Defining the Undefinable

Five Days of Johnny Cash: Day 3

I have a very special announcement coming this Thursday, so this is day three of my five days of Johnny Cash blog in which I will post a significant song that contributed to my understanding, love and appreciation for Johnny Cash the artist, musician and man. As I set out on my professional music career it was … Continue reading Five Days of Johnny Cash: Day 3

I Ulu No Ka Lālā I Ke Kumu

As the tourist economy continued to grow and the realities of statehood began to take hold with the people of Hawaii, a realization unfolded that the musical culture of Hawaii had moved significantly far away from its roots. While the Hawaiian language remained relatively strong in comparison with other colonized nations, musically, profound changes had occurred from the humble … Continue reading I Ulu No Ka Lālā I Ke Kumu